Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Smore Bake

Say what? Yes, say it again. Five billion calories per bite. Every bite is worth it times ten. Everyone I've fed this to, the two.. or three times I have made it, cry from the pain inside their bellies after forcing themselves to eat more then they ever thought they could, or should. I like to serve this while it's still warm so, the chocolate and marshmallow run all over the plate and it's just a heaping pile of ooey gooey deliciousness. Now that I think about it, September is practically the best time for this dessert.. because well, I needed an excuse to make it of course. My husband has asked more times then I could count (math just isn't my strong suit) to make this and I usually try to avoid it. I picture us standing above the almost empty pan, spoons in hand, scrapping the remaining crumbs into our mouths like modern day savages. It was a beautiful day. A day everyone should have, and now you can.

I either found this recipe off of or Pinterest... however, the results are the same. Awesome.

I must not have been into staging fun food photos our last few months in Georgia. Oh, yeah, since this was made, we moved back across the country to Nebraska... and purchased our first home! (We should celebrate with some Smore Bake....)

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